Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day 4

Today we headed back to the provincial offices to finalize the adoption.  After a '24 hour Harmonious period' - really an overnight with your new child - we were asked if we still liked her, promised we'd never abuse or abandon her, and finalized her adoption.  Again today we saw all the other families who'd been at the office yesterday and enjoyed talking with a number of them while we waited for our turn with the notary and the provincial official.  The kids were so patient throughout the process.  Miss M was particularly enamoured with two little girls - twins who were 21 months old.  She couldn't stay away and luckily their new parents didn't seem to mind her fawning over them.  (When not playing with babies, she joined the other two in playing with electronics.)

From there we went over to the medical offices on Shamian Island where the TB test was administered.  It will be read on Thursday when we go back for the medical exam.  Then it was off to lunch, where the kids devoured great quantities of spagetti and meat sauce, macaroni and cheese.  Our guide stayed for a bit after lunch and Faith took the opportunity to share that she was missing her ayi's and others at the SWI.  We assured her it was ok to be sad and miss them, even ok to cry if she wanted to.  She's been working so hard at being strong throughout this process.  Poor thing.  Later in the afternoon I scooped her up and just held her on my lap.  She didn't resist, but she didn't snuggle in either.  Not unexpected, of course, since it's been barely 24 hours we've been together.  But we've got our starting point and I'm so glad to see her sharing her feelings.  She says very little when our guide isn't here.  I'm not sure how much is knowing we won't understand her and how much is trying to stay as invisible as possible.  But at least she's talking to our guide and letting us in a tiny bit.  All good signs, I think.

My three musketeers

Later in the afternoon we took bottles of bubbles outside and the three of them had a blast blowing bubbles, chasing and popping them, catching them back on the wand.  Faith seemed much more comfortable out of the confines of the hotel room, so our strategy for the rest of the week is to stay busy out and about in between appointments. Tomorrow we go to the passport office late in the afteroon, so we have nearly all day to put that plan into practice.  We're thinking we'll go to the seven story bookstore and stock up on language materials.  Should be fun!

Thank you all for your continued prayers - we have felt the power of those prayers and God's love and care for us all this week, for sure!

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